How To Make A Visit

A visit to the Blessed Sacrament is really a talk with Jesus. No two will have the same things to say to Him, and this is one reason why the choicest of prayer books cannot be used to the best advantage when visiting our Best Friend, Jesus in the Tabernacle.

The following brief outline might throw a little light on what a simple heart-to-heart talk with Jesus could be. Go up to the front of the church, or close your eyes to shut out distractions.

  1. Think that you are kneeling at the feet of our dear Lord and that He is anxious for you to tell Him everything.
  2. Consider how unworthy you are to appear before Him on account of your manifold sins. Tell Him you are heartily sorry, and remember, He wants you and loves you dearly inspite of your sins.
  3. Thank Him in your own words for the graces you have received. Mention some graces recently bestowed upon You. It pleases Jesus to be told of His gifts and He expects a "Thank You."
  4. Something worries you. Tell Him all about it, just as you would to a very dear friend, and be assured He will attend to it.
  5. You are very precious in the sight of Jesus, but are you as holy as you might be for all the chances you have had? Tell Him your temptations your failings, and ask Him to help you and make you come up to the ideal He had in His Divine mind when He created you.
  6. Ask for favors. Do not be afraid of asking for too much for yourself or for your friends. Many a grace is withheld because we do not ask. Jesus loves you to pray for others; all are dear to Him. Beg Him to have pity on the poor souls in Purgatory and on sinners. Ask Him to bless His priests and to bring them still nearer to His Sacred Heart.
  7. Make, in your own words, short acts of love, of hope, of faith, of confidence. Make a spiritual Communion; that is, an ardent desire to receive our Lord into your heart. A short act for spiritual Communion is: "As I cannot now receive Thee sacramentally, my Jesus, come spiritually into my heart and make it Thine own forever."
  8. Thank Jesus for allowing you to make this little visit. Tell Him that you are going to be better, and that you are going to drop in soon again. Ask Him to bless you, and bow your head and make the Sign of the Cross.

If you have time, kneel before a statue of our Blessed Mother, and make a short visit to her also.