Catholic Family News Reprint Series (resources online)

Enthronement of the Sacred Heart in the Home

By it the members of a family solemnly and officially proclaim and set up in their home the social kingship of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

according to Father Mateo Crawley-Boevey

There is one place where the special graces and blessings of the Sacred Heart are needed more than anywhere else. That place is the home.

No one knows this better than the priests who are trying to make the families in their parishes more thoroughly Catholic, or parents struggling to prevent the complete breakdown of Christian family life in their homes, or children worrying about parents who do not practice their religion.

First of all, let us consider the sacred character of the home and its importance in the eyes of our blessed Savior.

When the Son of God became Man and began His work of saving the world and redeeming it from its sins, He did not at first establish His Church but, instead, founded a home. Before He appointed Peter the fisherman to be the head of His Church, He appointed Joseph the carpenter to be the head of His home.

What a lesson on the importance and grandeur of the home! Think of it, the Savior of the world spent only 33 years on this earth, yet 30 of them were passed in the humble home at Nazareth. Jesus, infinitely wise, was giving an example for ages to come of the tremendous value of the family in the eyes of God.

Even after our Lord had said farewell to His happy home at Nazareth, He continued to stress by word and example the sacred character of marriage and to show His great love for the home and family life.

He raised matrimony to the dignity of a sacrament. He taught the indissolubility of the married state. He showed sympathy and affection for the members of the family by accepting invitations to visit them and dine with them.

His first public miracle took place in a home at Cana in Galilee on the occasion of the wedding feast of a young couple. He often stayed with Peter in his home and on one occasion restored his mother-in-law to perfect health. He Himself asked that He might stay with Zaccheus in his home. Frequently He visited the home of Lazarus, Martha, and Mary at Bethany. Often He accepted invitations to dine in the homes of the Pharisees despite their jealousy and hatred for Him. On one of these occasions, in the home of Simon, He forgave Mary Magdalene and gave us one of the greatest proofs of His merciful love.

The Sacred Heart and the Home

If the divine Redeemer showed such great love for the home during His mortal life, we should expect Him to manifest the same solicitude and affection for the family when He asked St. Margaret Mary for devotion to His Sacred Heart. This, He said, was like a "new redemption", meaning, of course, that the effects of the Redemption would be renewed through devotion to His Heart.

On several occasions the loving Savior referred to the home and, in fact made a specific request and several promises concerning the family. If He did not speak about the family more often at Paray, probably the reason is He presupposed people would know that when He talked about being honored, loved, consoled, trusted, etc., this was to be done especially in the place where they spent most of their time, in the family circle.

For instance, when He made the promise that "since He is the source of all blessings, He will shower them in abundance in every place where a picture of His divine Heart shall be set up and honored". He certainly had the home in mind, for there follows immediately another promise concerned with the home, that specifies the kind of blessings He had in mind: "I will reunite families and will protect and help those who are in necessity and those who approach Me with confidence."

On another occasion He promised, according to St. Margaret Mary, "that He takes such pleasure in being known, loved, and honored by His creatures that He promises peace in their families, solace in their labors. He promised that He would reunite families that are divided ... !"

Again He assured the saint that the -most zealous promoters of this devotion "would be recompensed not only in their own persons but also in the persons of their parents and friends".

It is true that countless families had obeyed our Lord's request to venerate an image of the Sacred Heart. But this veneration was an incomplete fulfillment of His request that the image be "set up and honored in public", for, with some exceptions, the Sacred Heart was honored in a private way, mostly in the bedroom and not in a public place in the home. Keeping the image of the Sacred Heart out of sight from visitors to the home seemed to symbolize the spirit of the times: the exclusion of our Lord and His teachings from the public and social lives of men.

It was reserved for Father Mateo to organize a true crusade to have all our Lord's requests carried out in the home. Likewise it was to be his special mission to focus attention on the social significance of devotion to the Sacred Heart and to strive to re-establish the public rule of Christ over nations through the Enthronement of the Sacred Heart in the home.

Just What Is the Enthronement?

"The Enthronement is the official and social recognition of the sovereignty of the Sacred Heart of Jesus over the Christian family. A recognition affirmed, outwardly expressed, and made permanent by the solemn installation of the image of that divine Heart in a conspicuous place in the home and by the Act of Consecration."

From this definition it is at once evident that the Enthronement is not the mere blessing of a picture, nor a mere act of consecration, nor a mere outward and passing ceremony. The Enthronement is all that and a great deal more. By it the members of a family solemnly and officially proclaim and set up in their home the social kingship of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Some persons have wrongly supposed that the whole movement of the Enthronement is based on the particular promise of the Sacred Heart to bless the homes where His picture is exposed and honored. Tthey imagine the work to be out to propagate and diffuse the image of the Sacred Heart in all homes so as to draw down upon them the promised blessing. Consequently, these persons consider the Enthronement to be one of those numerous devotions of supererogation, which, no doubt, are all good in themselves, but which, by reason of their multiplicity and often encumbering practices, not rarely produce the contrary effect to that which was intended. They hamper and kill devotion instead of helping and increasing it.

The Enthronement cannot be ranked in the category of the devotions referred to; in fact, it cannot be.. called a devotion in the ordinary sense of the word. It preaches a life; it holds forth the fundamental principles of our religion and applies them to everyday life. It brings out the loving person of our Divine Lord and associates Him with every detail of home life. It insists not so much on devotion to the Sacred Heart as on the spirit of that devotion. Rather than burden our life with supplementary devotional practices, it transforms life itself, giving to everything we do the soul of divine love. If the Enthronement points to certain practices, for instance, Holy Communion on the First Friday, it takes care to accentuate the motive of love and reparation for which they were asked.

The Enthronement seeks to establish the effective reign of the Sacred Heart in the family and, through the family, in society. It has chosen for its watchword the words of our blessed Lord to St. Margaret Mary: "I will reign by My Sacred Heart." Its program is the realization of this request which sum up all the desires and demands of the Sacred Heart.

Perhaps, the Enthronement can be further explained by a few questions and answers -- in the form of a "Catechism on the Enthronement".

Q. What does the word "enthronement" mean?

A. The word enthronement means to install on a throne, in recognition of a person's authority.

Q. What do you mean by "the official and social recognition of the loving Kingship of the Heart of Jesus in a Christian family"?

A. In the ceremony of the Enthronement, the family is considered as the basic unit of society, the social cell, and also as the "nation in miniature". As such it proclaims Jesus as its King and, as far as it can, as the King of the entire nation. That is why the father, the head of the family, installs the image in the place of honor. It is a public act inasmuch as it is done in a prominent place in the home and not in a private place, such as a bedroom.

Q. Why the installation of the image in the place of honor?


  1. To make reparation for the dethronement of Christ from the first place in everyday family life and in the public life of the nation.
  2. Because as King and Friend of the family, Jesus has the right and the desire to be given the best place in the home;
  3. So that the family and visitors will be constantly reminded that Jesus is the King and Head of the home.

Q. Why enthrone the Sacred Heart in the home?

A. Because our Lord asked that His image be singularly honored in the home. Moreover, it is the home that is being undermined systematically by its enemies, by the exclusion of Christ from family -life. Therefore He must be systematically brought back. Finally the family needs the extraordinary graces promised by the Sacred Heart to those who give Him the place of honor in the home.

Q. Is the Enthronement merely the carrying out of the one request of Our Lord, namely, to honor the image of His Sacred Heart?

A. No. According to Father Mateo, the Enthronement "is simply the realization, not of one or the other of the requests made by our Savior to St. Margaret Mary, but the complete and integral realization of all of them, calling forth the fulfillment of the splendid promises with which the King of Love has enriched them."

Q. What are the principal requests made by the Sacred Heart?

A. To be acknowledged as a King who rules through love: "The adorable Heart of Jesus wishes;

  1. to establish His reign of love in all hearts" (St. Margaret Mary);
  2. to have the Image of His Heart exposed and honored in a special way in the home;
  3. to have everyone consecrate himself to His Heart;
  4. to make reparation;
  5. to live a life of love and confidence;
  6. to make His Heart better known and loved;
  7. to show greater devotion to the Eucharist;
  8. to celebrate the Feast of the Sacred Heart and the First Fridays.

Q. Does the Enthronement program include all of these requests?

A. Yes. Numbers 1, 2, 3, and 4 are carried out in the ceremony itself, at least in intention and symbolically, numbers 5, 6, 7, and 8 are emphasized in the suggestions for the living of the spirit of the Enthronement.

From this it is easy to see why the Enthronement crusade is much more than an organized attempt to get a Sacred Heart picture or statue in every home. That is important, but Father Mateo insists there is much more to his work than this.

"Is the Enthronement nothing more than the image installed in the place of honor? No, there is more to it than that! Is it perhaps but a beautiful and simple consecration of the family to the Sacred Heart? The consecration is included indeed, but there is much more than that!"

The Enthronement is the collective answer of the family to the request and at the same time a reply to those who cry out, "We will not have this Man reign over us!" When the family enthrones the Sacred Heart, they are saying in effect: "Lord, we want Thee to rule over our family, we adore Thee as our King of Love; we accept Thee as our loving Friend, always occupying the first place in our hearts and in our home. Thy kingdom come! Thou must reign, and Thou shalt reign in our home."

This response of the family to the divine request gives the Sacred Heart an "excuse", an occasion, as it were, to fulfill His marvelous promises. We might compare the Enthronement to a bi-lateral contract. The family promises and tries to carry out Our Lord's requests, and Jesus, in His turn, promises to keep His pledges; and the wonderful part of it is that He always does, even if He has to work a miracle of grace! And why not? Has He ever broken His word?

" 'To restore all things' in the Sacred Heart, then, no better means could have been found than this presidential work of the Enthronement. You do well dear son, while taking up the cause of human society, to arouse and propagate above all things a Christian spirit in the home by setting up in each family the reign of love of Jesus Christ. And in doing this you are but obeying our divine Lord Himself who promised to shower His blessings upon the homes wherein an image of His Heart should be exposed and honored." (Pope Benedict XV to Father Mateo.)

Nothing is lacking in this work, neither the solid foundation which makes it the best means to establish the reign of the Sacred Heart nor the indispensable external ritual, so important in making an impression on the senses of men, made up as they are of bodies and souls.

Rightly then, and without any exaggeration, St. Pius X could call this enterprise a "work of social salvation" (Acta Pontifica, May 25, 1915, p.226 note); and Pope Benedict XV could write to Father Mateo, "Nothing is more suitable to the needs of the present day..."

Part 11

How the King Conquered

Before we go any further, it might be a good idea to give an example of a typical Enthronement ceremony and tell what it did in an American family that badly needed the help that the Divine Physician alone can give. I know the family in question and I was able to follow the conquest of its members by the King of Love and Mercy, step by step.

The middle-aged father and mother came to see me one night in Washington, a few years ago. As they began to speak, tears filled their eyes. Here is their story.

"Father, we've made a mess out of our family. We don't know what to do or where to turn. But we were present at an Enthronement in a friend's home not long ago, and we heard the priest speak about the blessings that come to homes where the Sacred Heart is enthroned. We thought, maybe, that's what. we need. But everything seems so hopeless ..."

"Nothing is hopeless when it's a question of the Sacred Heart", I reassured them. "He can solve any problem; He is all-powerful. But you have to trust Him blindly. That's the first condition He always demands before He works His miracles. Now tell me about your family."

Then began a tale of woe. One of their four daughters had married a Catholic, but the second who had eloped with a non-Catholic had her two children baptized as Lutherans. Her husband was a drunkard and she was at the point of separating from him. The girl was embittered against the Church and was thinking of becoming a Lutheran herself. She openly opposed Catholicism.

The third daughter had married a non-Catholic and was lax in the performance of her duties. The fourth daughter had left home at the age of 16, encouraged by the second daughter. She refused to contact her parents.

"And, Father, worst of all, that second daughter just had a third baby, born on Mother's Day. The child has a bad heart and is expected to live but a few days. Her mother refuses to have the baby baptized. She will have nothing to do with priests. Father, it's terrible!"

As I listened, I prayed to the Holy Ghost for the right answer. I made an act of faith, trusting in the

Sacred Heart's promise to back up His priests when they encourage others to trust Him and honor the image of His Heart. I remembered His promise to "reunite families that are divided ... to bring peace to families ... to change tepidity into fervor ... to give graces of sanctification and salvation to homes that singularly honor the image of His Heart."

"Listen carefully to what I have to tell you", I said to them. "I'm going to give you the answer to this problem. And the answer is not my answer but that of our Lord, who can neither deceive nor be deceived. Whom does He love most? Those who have never offended Him or sinners? He Himself has given the answer: 'It is not the healthy who need a physician, but they who are sick ... for I have come to call sinners, not the just.' Therefore, there can be no doubt about it, He loves your daughters very much. He wants to help them. But you have to help Him. You admit that you have kept Christ out of your family life by indifference and carelessness. Now make up for that by bringing Him back in with great solemnity. Enthrone Him in your home, and He will come in as the Divine Physician to heal your daughters who are sick."

Now here is what I'm going to ask you to do:

"First, the Enthronement of the Sacred Heart. Make it as beautiful and solemn as possible. Invite relatives and friends -especially your daughters and their husbands; if they don't want to come, put their photographs around the Sacred Heart. Secondly, make reparation. The Enthronement ceremony is in itself an act of reparation, but there's no sacrifice in having it. Make a personal sacrifice. I suggest daily Mass and Communion, and Night Adoration together in your home, at least once a month - every week if possible. And, finally, try to get other families to honor and love the Sacred Heart. And do all this with childlike confidence that the Sacred Heart somehow in His own way and in His own good time will reunite your family. At least take my word for it, if you find it hard to believe."

The mother-and father promised they would do all that had been suggested. On Trinity Sunday, May 23, 1948, they had the Enthronement. The daughters refused to come, but their pictures surrounded the Sacred Heart on His throne. The couple started making Night Adoration before the Shrine of the Sacred Heart. They spoke to others about it.

Then things started to happen. The baby with the bad heart didn't die as expected by the doctors. Several times she was rushed to the hospital. Finally death seemed a short time off. The night before, the grandmother pinned a Sacred Heart badge on the baby's gown. Unexpectedly the baby's mother, who had been so bitter, called a priest and had her child baptized. Within seconds the baby rallied, and she was brought home nine days later. This was on July 31st. She died the following November 22nd.

The day after the baby's baptism, there was a note on the grandfather's desk at work stating that the day before a Mass had been offered for those who had contributed to a certain cause in which he had been interested. A post-mortem operation was performed on the baby. The doctors insisted it was a miracle that the child had lived six months. Three days was the limit, generally. The grandfather concluded that the grace of this Mass moved the mother to have the baby baptized.

More things began to happen. On Christmas, 1948, the second daughter received Communion for the first time in eight years. Her Lutheran husband became a Catholic on July 15, 1950. In thanksgiving, they enthroned the Sacred Heart in their home with a large gathering present. The wife is now a daily cornmunicant; her husband receives Communion frequently during the week. He is a member of a laymen's retreat movement. The children are now in a parochial school, and the family Rosary and the renewal of the consecration to the Sacred Heart are a nightly occurrence. On the front lawn for all the neighbors to see is a beautiful marble statue of the Sacred Heart which was dedicated before a large crowd. Even the boys' choir from the parish church added to the solemnity.

In the meantime, the other daughters had their marriages validated and have enthroned the Sacred Heart in their homes. All of them are spending much of their spare time calling on neighbors and friends, telling them of the blessings that have come to their home through the Sacred Heart and urging them to enthrone Him in their own families

I was invited to be present at the solemn renewal of the Enthronement in the home of the second daughter. As we drove up to the house, we saw the spotlighted Sacred Heart shrine on the lawn. The living room was jammed with friends and relatives. Happiness was in the air. I spotted the mother and father sitting on the sofa, taking in the happy scene. I couldn't resist an impulse. Leaning over, I whispered, "I told you so!" Their only answer was to squeeze my hand as tears of joy welled in their eyes. Every one of their girls and husbands were there before them, at peace with God. Yes, Father was right, "The Sacred Heart has never broken His word!"

Part III

A Typical Enthronement Ceremony

Have you ever witnessed the impressive ceremony of the Enthronement? If not let me invite you to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Typical American, who are having the ceremony for the first time.

Mr. T.A. might have heard about it in any one of several ways - at a Holy Name meeting, by reading a magazine article, from a friend passing on the good news, through his student-son's bringing the word from school, from the priest who preached about it in church, or through his wife. In any case, he is all for it, and tonight's the big night.

Following the suggestions in the pamphlet, the T.A. family went to M ass and Holy Communion in the morning "for the reign of the Sacred Heart in their home" and as "an act of love and reparation to the Sacred Heart". They also had a Mass offered for the same intention.

Relatives and friends have been invited, and one of the parish priests has promised to preside.

In the living room, over the fireplace, a "throne" has been prepared, beautifully decorated with flowers and candles. On the throne have been placed photographs of absent loved ones, living and dead. In another part of the room, the image of the Sacred Heart has been placed on a small table with holy water and two lighted candles. The room has already taken on the air of a "little church".

When all the guests are present and the priest has donned his cassock and surplice and stole, one of the children is allowed to light the candles while another distributes copies of the "ceremonial" to each one present.

With the parents and children standing near, the priest begins the liturgical blessing of the image of the Sacred Heart. Then he invites the head of the house, accompanied by his wife and children, to take the statue and "escort the Sacred Heart to the place of honor in the home". (Sometimes, while the little procession is taking place, those present sing "To Jesus' Heart All Burning".) Arriving at the throne, the Sacred Heart is installed in the place of honor. Then the Apostles' Creed is recited by all as an act of faith in our Lord's teachings and in reparation for those families who refuse to accept them or put them into practice

At this point everyone is seated, while the priest addresses them on the significance of the Enthronement. As you sit back and take in the scene, you cannot help but realize how the Enthronement brings out the sacred character of the home: the home altar with the image of the Sacred Heart surrounded by flowers and candles; the priest vested in surplice and stole; the assembled "congregation"- all make you understand more clearly the oft-repeated words of priests and writers that the home is indeed a "domestic church".

When the priest has finished, he invites the group to kneel while he and the head of - the house recite the official Act of Consecration of the Family to the Sacred Heart. (A plenary indulgence and indulgence of seven years are attached to the

recitation of this formula, composed by Father Ladislas, SS.CC., and adopted by the Church for general use.)

Then an Our Father and a Hail Mary are recited for the absent members *of the family, living and dead, that all may share in the graces of this occasion. After this, everyone recites the act of thanksgiving composed by Father Mateo.

The next step is a prayer in honor of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Wherever a king is enthroned, there the queen reigns, too. Consequently, in -the Enthronement ceremony the Queen of Love is not forgotten and in honor of Her Immaculate Heart the "Hail, Holy Queen" is recited by all. If so desired, at this point an act of consecration of the family to the Immaculate Heart of Mary may be recited and Her Image installed near that of the Sacred Heart.

After the ceremony which is concluded with the recitation of ejaculatory prayers, the blessing of the priest, and the signing of the certificate of the Enthronement by all the members of the family and the presiding priest, follows a little family party.

As a further example of what we mean by "living" the Enthronement, let us quote the words of Pope Pius XII. It has been the custom of Pope Pius XII to receive newly wedded couples in private audience and to give them priceless words of encouragement and advice. On many occasions, the Sovereign Pontiff has urged them to enthrone the Sacred Heart in their homes and to live the Enthronement. For example, on June 5, 1940, he said: "It is fitting then, dear Christian husbands and wives, brethren of Jesus, that the image of His Heart 'which has so loved men' be exposed and honored in your homes, like that of the nearest and most loved relation who pours out the treasures of His blessings upon you, your children, and your undertakings. 'Exposed and honored', that is to say, this image should not only watch over your hours of rest in private chamber but it should be loyally honored by being hung above the entrance, or in the dining room, or parlor, or in some other frequently used place. 'Everyone therefore that shall confess Me before men, I will also confess him before My Father who is in Heaven.' (Matt.10:32)

"'Honored' means that at least now and then an attentive hand will place before the precious little statue or modest image of the Sacred Heart a few flowers, or a lighted candle, or even keep a lamp burning there. And that the family will gather round it each evening for a united act of homage, a humble expression of contrition, and a request for a few blessings.

"In a word, the Sacred Heart is duly honored in a home when He is acknowledged as the King of Love by each and every one ... when the Sacred Heart reigns in a family, and surely He has the right to reign everywhere. It is necessary that an atmosphere of faith and piety envelop everyone and everything in that blessed household ... In the consecrated family, parents and children feel themselves under the eye of God and are friendly with Him; they are therefore observant of His Commandments and the precepts of His Church. Before the image of the King of Heaven, becomes their earthly Friend and constant Guest, they fearlessly and meritoriously meet all the labors of their daily duties ...

"May it be so with you, my dear sons and daughters! Living united with Jesus even in this life, you shall only leave this earth to contemplate eternally the bright and beatific reality of that divine Heart in Heaven." (Address entitled: The Reign of The Sacred Heart in the Christian Family - The Holy Father Speaks to Newlyweds, Washington, D.C. p. 27-28.)

Living with Jesus

Countless families have grasped one of the basic ideas of the Enthronement: living with Jesus, the loving King, Friend, and Guest of the family, and sharing all family joys and sorrows with Him. For instance I I know a family that never has a birthday party without first laying the presents at the feet of their King and renewing their act of consecration to His divine Heart. Then they have their party with Jesus as their Guest.'

Other families renew their act of consecration on wedding anniversaries, baptismal days, First Communion, and special days. Some have renewed their Enthronement on the occasion of the death of a member of the family. One of these cases occurred in Milwaukee. The father, a devout Catholic, had always insisted that as his children got married, the first thing they were to do in their new home was to enthrone the Sacred Heart. Usually he gave them a Sacred Heart picture as a wedding present.

Frequently he told his wife that when he died, before his body left the home the family were to gather around the coffin and renew the Enthronement. So it happened. Despite the grief, the members of the bereaved family gathered around the mortal remains of their father and, as on the day of their Enthronement, before an image of the Sacred Heart surrounded with lighted candles they renewed their consecration to the King and Friend of their home

How significant the words of the consecration sounded at that moment: "Lastly, when the hour of separation will sound and death will plunge our home into mourning, then shall we all and every one of us be resigned to Thy eternal decrees and seek consolation in the thought that we shall all one day be reunited in Heaven, where we shall sing the praises of Thy Sacred Heart for all eternity."

This family was one of many that have experienced the verification of the promise of the Sacred Heart: "I will be their secure refuge during life and especially at the hour of their death."

The Enthronement, Work of Merciful Love

From the foregoing examples and those contained in the following chapter, it is evident the Enthronement is a powerful means of obtaining the mercy of the Sacred Heart. This is not to be wondered at. The promise of the Sacred Heart that "sinners will find in My Heart a boundless ocean of mercy" is an echo of the gospel message "I have come for sinners".

The Enthronement brings into the home the Good Shepherd seeking the lost sheep, the Divine Physician eager to heal the sick, the loving Father embracing and forgiving the prodigal son.

Thus the Enthronement is not a reward for being good, limited to devout and pious Catholic families. Rather it is an effective means of changing tepidity into fervor, indifference into love in families that have been strangers to these virtues.

In this respect, the Enthronement can be compared to the reception of Holy Communion. You do not have to be a saint to receive Communion, but you receive Communion to become a saint. A family enthrones the Sacred Heart in the home not because they are superior to others or outstanding in virtue, but in order to know and love and serve Him better than they have been doing in the past.

Naturally there are certain minimum conditions that must be fulfilled by families who want to have the Enthronement. They must avoid scandal and likewise prevent abuses. What then are the conditions for having the ceremony of the Enthronement?

Three Conditions for the Enthronement

1. That the marriage be a valid one. A Catholic couple married outside the Church by a minister or a justice of the peace may not have the Enthronement until a priest has rectified the marriage.

2. That at least one of the parents be a practicing Catholic. Thus if the father is a lapsed Catholic or a non-Catholic, the Enthronement may take place if the mother is a Catholic who practices her faith.

3. The family must have the general intention of doing God's will. This means they may be obliged to fulfill certain specific conditions such as giving up a sinful practice before they can have the Enthronement. Of course, to avoid scandal the priest will be the judge as to the proper procedure in these cases.

In the eventuality the Enthronement may not be had, nothing prevents the family from honoring an image of the Sacred Heart in their home or praying to the Sacred Heart. Often this will result in the reception of graces that will effect a change in the spiritual status of the family.

Fulfilling Many of Our Lord's Requests

It now remains to show how the Enthronement "is the realization of the requests made by the Sacred Heart to St. Margaret Mary", and therefore most apt to bring about the fulfillment of the marvelous promises of the Sacred Heart.

1. He wishes to enkindle the flame of love in a world grown cold by the burning love of His Heart. 'What the work seeks to set up *in every home is nothing but the pure, simple, and frank devotion to the Sacred Heart". (Cardinal Billot)

2. Through this devotion, Jesus wants to bring about the reign of His Sacred Heart. "I will reign through My Heart." The Enthronement is the solemn, social recognition of this reign. (Father Mateo)

3. "He wishes to enter the homes of princes and kings with pomp and magnificence" (St. Margaret Mary). The Enthronement has taken place in the palaces of kings and princes (Luxembourg, Spain, Austria); entire countries have enthroned the Sacred Heart (Spain, Colombia, and others) and this has resulted from the widespread practice of enthroning the Sacred Heart in the homes of these nations.

4. He asks that the image of His Heart be exposed and singularly honored. This is one of the essential characteristics of the Enthronement.

5. He wishes the consecration of individuals, families, and nations to His Heart. This is why we add the consecration to the Enthronement.

6. He asks for the Feast of the Sacred Heart as a day of Eucharistic reparation. From the very beginning, Father Mateo has strongly urged the solemn celebration of this feast on Friday, not only in church but also in the family circle - and this on Friday, the day our Lord specified.

7. He asks for special eucharistic practices. The Enthronement encourages and helps families to make the First Fridays, Communions of reparation, and Holy Hours.

8. He asks that His friends become apostles of the Sacred Heart to extend His reign. As a result of the Enthronement crusade there is hardly a point on the globe where the social reign of the Sacred Heart is not being promoted. and proclaimed. (This was written in the Pre-Vatican II era when churchmen still honored the Social Kingship of Christ. Ed.)

Therefore, it is safe to conclude with Father Mateo that, the Enthronement is the realization of all the requests made by our Savior to St. Margaret Mary. Calling forth the fulfillment of the splendid promises with which the King of Love has enriched them" (Jesus the King of Love, p. 3).