Serving  Low  Mass

(Parts taken from the booklet “How To Serve Low Mass” by Rev William A. O’Brien M.A.)
Edited for this page by James Canter
A Word To The Boy

     It is  a great privilege for a boy to be allowed to serve at the altar of the Most High God.  The altar boy is indeed one of the pages at the Court of the King of Kings.  How you should appreciate this high honor therefore by showing the greatest reverence in the sanctuary, by paying exact attention during the sacred services and by learning your part as perfectly as possible!
     One last word — The Mastery of this little book, combined with your own faithfulness, cleanliness and good manners, will make you a most desirable altar boy.

P:              Introibo ad altare Dei.

S:               Ad       deum        qui           laetificat              juventutem           meam.
                  Odd   day’oom   kwee   lay-tee’fee-cot  /  you-ven-too’tem   may’ahm.

Underlined text is your instructions.  Italic text (P:)is what the priest says.
(S:) is the boy's latin.  Red text is the pronunciation. A means you should
accent that syllable.

Lesson I
From the beginning of Mass to the Introit

         When the priest gives the signal, bow with him to the crucifix and walk before him to the altar with your hands joined palm to palm on your breast.  If there is a holy water font at the door, dip your fingers of your right hand in it and touch the tips of the priest’s outstretched fingers and then bless yourself.  If there is a bell at the sacristy door, ring it to warn the people of the entrance of the priest.  On  arriving at the altar, stand a little to the right of the priest, take his biretta by the nearest peak, genuflect with him, place the biretta on the sedilia, come back to the center of the altar steps, genuflect and move about two feet to the Gospel side.  Remain standing (or kneel at once on the floor where customary) until the priest descends to begin Mass.
             Then kneel on the floor, with head erect and hands joined, palm to palm, and make the sign of the cross with the priest.

The Prayers at the foot of the altar

P:              Introibo ad altare Dei.

S:              Ad       deum        qui           laetificat              juventutem           meam.
                 Odd   day’oom   kwee   lay-tee’fee-cot  /  you-ven-too’tem   may’ahm.
[NOTE:  For a Mass said in black vestments (a Mass for the Dead), skip from here to the next line of stars.]

P:              Judica me Deus, et discerne causam meam de gente non sancta: ab homine iniquo et doloso  erue me.

S:                  Quia       tu    es    Deus                fortitudo         mea:        quare       me         repulisti,  /
                 Kwee’ah   too  ez  day’oose  /  for-tee-too’doe  may’ah :  kway-ray  may  ree-poo-lees’tee

                 et      quare        tristis          incedo,         dum       affligit     me          inimicus?
                 ett  kwah’ray  triss’tiss  in-chay’doe  /  doom  ah-flee’jit  may   in-ee-mee’coose?

P:              Emitte lucem tuam, et veritatem tuam: ipsa me deduxerunt, et adduxerunt in montem
                 sanctum tuum, et in tabernacula tua.

S:              Et        introibo         ad         altare       Dei:        ad       Deum        qui         laetificat
                 Ett  int-tro-ee’boe  odd  ahl-tah’ray  day’ee  /  odd   day’oom   kwee   lay-tee’fee-cot  /

                  juventutem          meam.
                 you-ven-too’tem   may’ahm.

P:              Confitebor tibi in cithara Deus, Deus meus: quare tristis es anima mea, et quare conturbas  me?

S:                  Spera      in    Deo,            quoniam          adhuc         confitebor         illi:          salutare
                 Spay’rah  in  day’oh  /  kwoe’nee-ahm  ahd’hook  con-fee-tay’bor  ill’lee  sah-loo-tah’ray

                    vultus       mei,         et      Deus        meus.
                 vul’toose  may’ee  /  ett  day’oose  may’oose.

Here bow your head with the priest as he says:

P:              Gloria Patri, et Filio, et Spiritu Sancto.

Kneel erect at once and answer:

S:                  Sicut       erat    in          principio           et    nunc,   et    semper,      et   in
                 See’coot  err’rot  in  prin-chee’pee-oh  /  ett  noonk,  ett  sem’pair  /  ett  in

                     saecula          saeculorum.          Amen.
                 say’coo-lah  say-coo-loh’room.  Ah-men’.

P:              Introibo ad altare Dei.

S:                Ad       deum        qui           laetificat              juventutem           meam.
                 Odd   day’oom   kwee   lay-tee’fee-cot  /  you-ven-too’tem   may’ahm.

Make the sign of the cross with the priest as he says:

P:              Adjutorium nostrum † in nomine Domini.

S:               Qui       fecit       coelum      et    terram.
                 Kwee  fay’chit  chay’loom  ett  ter’rahm.

Remain kneeling erect while the priest bows low and says the Confiteor.

P:              Confiteor Deo omnipotenti, etc.

                 Listen attentively and as the priest says the last words of the Confiteor — ”ad Dominum Deum nostrum” — bow your head slightly and at the same time turn toward the priest and say:

S:                      Misereatur              tui         omnipotens        Deus,          et        dimissis
                 Mee-zay-ray-ah’toor  too’ee  om-ne’poe-tenz  day’oose,  /  ett  dee-mee’seese

                       peccatis          tuis,         perducat      te    ad     vitam      aeternam.
                 pay-kah’teese  too’eese,  per-doo’cot  tay  ahd  vee’tahm  ay-tair’nahm.

Then the priest answers:

P:                Amen

The Confiteor

Now bow your head and shoulders low towards the altar and say:

S:                     Confiteor          Deo         omnipotenti,              beatae         Mariae
                   Con-fee’tay-or  day’oh  om-nee-po-ten’tee,  /  bay-ah’tay  mah-ree’ay  

                       semper        virgini,              beato             Michaeli        archangelo,
                 sem’pair  veer’jee-nee  /  bay-ah’toe  mee-kah-ay’lee  ark-ahn’jay-lo,

                      beato          Joanni          Baptistae,           sanctis             Apostolis
                 bay-ah’toe  yo-ahn’nee  bahp-tee’stay,  /  sahnk’teese  ah-po’sto-leese

                  Petro     et    Paulo,           omnibus           Sanctis,
                 pay’tro  ett  pow’lo,  /  om’nee-boose  sahnk’teese,

Now with head bowed turn toward the priest and say:

                 et       tibi,         Pater,
                 ett  tee’bee  /  pah’tair,

Turning again toward the altar continue:

                    quia           peccavi          nimis                cogitatione,                  verbo,        et      opere:
                 kwee’ah  pay-kah’vee  nee’meese  /  coe-jee-tot-see-oh’nay,  /  vair’bo,  /  ett  oh’pay-ray:

Now strike your breast three times and say:
                       mea       culpa,          mea      culpa,        mea            maxima         culpa.
                   may’ah  cool’pa,  /  may’ah  cool’pa,  / may’ah   mock’see-ma   cool’pa.  /

                          Ideo         precor        beatam           Mariam        semper      virginem,
                   ee’day-oh  pray’cor  bay-ah’tahm  mah-ree’ahm  sem’pair  veer’jee-nem   /   

                         beatum            Michaelem         archangelum,
                   bay-ah’toom  mee-kah-ay’lem  ark-ahn’jay-loom, /
                         beatum        Joannem          Baptistam,
                    bay-ah’toom  yo-ahn’nem  bahp-tee’stahm, /

                       sanctos         Apostolos         Petrum      et     Paulum,         omnes     Sanctos,
                   sahnk’tose  ah-po’sto-loese  pay’troom  ett  pow’loom,  /  om’nays  sahnk’tose 

Now turn towards the priest and say:

                  et     te,         Pater,
                 ett   tay,   /   pah’tair

Face the altar again and continue:

                         orare      pro    me       ad       Dominum         Deum      nostrum.
                 oh-rah’ray  pro  may  /  odd  doe’mee-noom  day’oom  nos’troom.

Remain with head and shoulders bowed while the priest says:

P:              Misereatur vestri omnipotens Deus, et dimissis peccatis vestris, perducat vos ad vitam  aeternam.

Kneeling erect, answers:

S:                  Amen.

Make the sign of the cross with the priest as he says:

P:                 Indulgentiam, † absolutionem et remissionem peccatorum nostrorum, tribuat  nobis omnipotens  et
                     misericors Dominus.

S:                  Amen.

Bow your head slightly during the following responses:

P:              Deus tu conversus vivificabis nos.

S:               Et   plebs      tua           laetabitur         in  te.
                 Ett  playbs  too’ah  lay-tah’bee-toor  in  tay.

P:              Ostende nobis, Domine, misericordiam tuam.

S:                 Et          salutare         tuum       da     nobis.
                 Ett  sah-loo-tah’ray  too’oom  dah  no’beese.

P:              Domine exaudi orationem meam.

S:               Et     clamor         meus       ad    te       veniat.
                 Ett  clah’more  may’oose  odd  tay  vay’nee-ott.

P:              Dominus vobiscum.

S:              Et cum spiritu tuo.
                 Ett  coom  spee’ree-too  too’oh.

P:              Oremus.

                 Arise at once (where it is customary, lift the priest’s alb a little as he goes up the steps), genuflect in the center, go to the Gospel side and kneel on the lowest step.  Keep hands folded throughout the Mass except when they are otherwise occupied.

Lesson II
From the Introit to the Offertory
The Introit

                The priest ascends the steps, goes to the missal at the Epistle side (right) and reads the Introit.  Make the sign of the cross with him.  Notice your position; you are opposite the missal.  This is the rule all through the rest of the Mass.
                 The Introit is usually a short reading of Scripture, so be attentive, for the priest will soon return to the center of the altar and say:

P:              Kyrie eleison.

You answer:
S:                   Kyrie           eleison.
                 Kee’ree-ay  ay-lay’ee-son.

P:              Kyrie eleison.

You answer:

S:               Christe         eleison.
                 Kree’stay  ay-lay’ee-son
P:              Christe eleison.

 Again you answer:
S:                 Christe        eleison.
                 Kree’stay  ay-lay’ee-son
P:              Kyrie eleison.

 You answer:
S:                     Kyrie           eleison.
                 Kee’ree-ay  ay-lay’ee-son.

 P:              Kyrie eleison.

                 The priest remains standing at the center of the altar and says the Gloria (sometimes it is omitted).  He kisses the altar and, turning toward the people, says:

P:              Dominus vobiscum.

To which you respond:

S:              Et   cum          spiritu        tuo.
                 Ett  koom  spee’ree-too  too’oh.

                 The priest now goes to the missal and reads the  prayer of the Mass — called the Collect.  He holds his hands outstretched during the reading of the prayer but at the end he draws his hands together and says:

P:              Per omnia saecula saeculorum.

Be alert and respond:

S:               Amen.

                 The priest may read more than one prayer, perhaps two or three more, but he will only say, Per omnia saecula saeculorum, twice.  Whenever you hear these words, answer:

S:               Amen.

The Epistle

                 After saying the prayers, the priest places his hands on either side of the missal and reads the Epistle.  Watch him closely now, for as he finishes reading the Epistle he will give you a sign, either by slightly turning his head to you or by dropping his left hand upon the altar.  When you see the signal, say:

S:                Deo            gratias.
                 Day’oh  graht’see-ahse.

                 Then rise, walk — don’t rush — to the Epistle side of the altar, genuflecting when passing the center, go up the side steps and wait on the step below the platform until the priest starts toward the center of the altar. (The altar boy may stand facing the priest or he may face the same direction as the priest.)
                 Now take firm hold of the missal stand with the book, turn to your left, descend the front steps diagonally to the floor in the center of the altar, genuflect, on the floor, ascend the front steps diagonally to the opposite side, place the stand with the missal on the Gospel side of the altar with the front turned partly towards the tabernacle, stand on the first step below the platform and face the priest.
[NOTE:  In some places the altar boy transfers the missal by descending the side steps, passing center of altar, genuflecting and passing around to and ascending the Gospel side steps. This custom is approved by liturgical authorities.]

The Gospel

 When the priest comes to the missal to read the Gospel, he says:

P:              Dominus vobiscum.

You respond at once:

S:              Et     cum          spiritu          tuo.
                 Ett   coom   spee’ree-too   too’oh.

                 Now observe the priest and as he signs the missal and himself with the sign of the cross; you, at the same time, with the thumb of your open right hand, make the sign of the cross upon your forehead, your lips, and the center of your breast.
 While making these signs the priest says:

P:              † Sequentia Sancti Evangelii, ect.

To which you respond:

S:                 Gloria            tibi         Domine.
                 Gloh’ree-ah  tee’bee  doe’mee-nay.

                 Immediately bowing to the priest, turn to your right, go down the side steps to the floor, walk to the Epistle side and genuflect while passing the center of the altar.  Remain standing during the reading of the Gospel, and turn slightly toward the priest.  When the priest finishes reading the Gospel, say:

S:               Laus       tibi,      Christe.
                 Louse  tee’bee,  kree’stay.

and kneel at once on the lowest step.
                 Remain kneeling whether the priest says the Credo or not.  Should he say it, bow your head reverently when he genuflects at the words “et incarnatus est, etc.”  At the end of the Credo (or after the Gospel, when the Credo is not said)  the priest turns to the people and says:

P:                 Dominus vobiscum.

to which you always answer:

S:              Et   cum          spiritu        tuo.
                 Ett  koom  spee’ree-too  too’oh.

Lesson III
From the Offertory to the Canon of the Mass
The Offertory

                 The priest faces the altar and now reads a short prayer called the Offertory, at the end of which he uncovers the chalice.
                 As soon as he removes the veil from the chalice and places it on the altar table to his right, arise at once, without genuflecting, and go directly to the credence table for the cruets.
 Take the wine cruet in your right hand, the water cruet in your left hand, then go up the side steps to the one next to the platform and stand facing the Gospel side.
[NOTE:  As at the Epistle, the boy may stand facing the same direction as the priest and turn to face the Gospel side when the priest approaches him. Either one of these positions may be taken at the Epistle, at the presentation of the cruets with the water and wine, at the washing of fingers, and at the ablutions after Communion.]
                 As soon as the priest comes toward you, make a slight bow and present the cruets to him, kissing each cruet before presenting it and also after you receive it back from him.  Hold the cruets at their base with the handle turned partly toward the priest.  Remember, each cruet is presented with the right hand; so, as soon as the priest takes the wine cruet, transfer the water cruet from the left to the right hand.
As soon as you have received both cruets , bow slightly to the priest and return to the credence table.
 Now take the finger towel, open it out, and place it over your left arm; take the basin or dish in your left hand and the water cruet in your right hand and return to the same step, facing as before.
 Bow as the priest approaches you, hold the basin or dish under and near his fingers and gently pour the water over them.  Turn a little to your right so that the priest can conveniently take the towel from your left arm; remain standing in that position until he places the finger towel on your arm.
                 Then bow slightly to the priest and replace the cruet, towel and basin on the credence table.
 Return to your place at the Epistle side, without genuflecting, and kneel erect with hands folded.
 You will have scarcely reached your place when the priest will turn toward the people and say:

P:              Orate, fratres,

                 Wait until the priest is again facing the altar and respond at once, bowing head and shoulders slightly. (If customary, remain erect.)

S:                    Suscipiat            Dominus                 sacrificium              de         manibus           tuis
                 Soo-she’pee-aht  doe’mee-noose  sah-cree-fee’chee-oom  day  mah’nee-boose  too’eese  /
                   ad    laudem   et        gloriam           nominis            sui,
                 odd  lou-dem  ett  gloh’ree-ahm  noe’mee-neese  soo’ee  /

                  ad           utilitatem            quoque      nostram,
                 odd  oo-tee-lee-tah’tem  kwo’kway  no’strahm,  /

                          totiusque              Ecclesiae       suae     sanctae.
                 tote-see-oos’kway  ay-clay’zee-ay  soo’ay  sahnk’tay

The Preface

 Now see that the bell is handy and remain kneeling erect, listening attentively, for soon the priest will say:

P:              Per omnia saecula saeculorum.

S:               Amen.

P:              Dominus vobiscum.

S:              Et   cum        spiritu          tuo.
                 Ett  koom  spee’ree-too  too’oh.

P:              Sursum corda.

S:                     Habemus         ad       Dominum.
                 Hah-bay’moos  odd  doe’mee-noom.

P:              Gratias agamus Domino Deo nostro.

S:                 Dignum      et       justum    est.
                 Deen’yoom  ett  yoos’toom  est.

                 The priest then reads aloud a long prayer called the Preface, the last words of which are “sine fine dicentes”; at these words he bows low and saysSanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus, etc.,” at which you immediately ring the bell three times, then fold your hands and kneel erect.
[NOTE: In some churches a third candle is lighted at this part of the Mass and later extinguished after the Communion.]

Lesson IV
 The Canon
From the Canon of the Mass to the Communion
The Hanc Igitur

                  You have now come to the most important part of the Mass, called the Canon of the Mass.
 The priest having said several prayers — watch closely — now brings his hands together, then extends them open with palms turned down over the chalice.  He says a prayer, “Hanc igitur.”  Now you give a signal by ringing the bell, indicating that the time of the consecration is approaching.
                 Then, rising, go to the middle, genuflect, go up the steps and kneel on the edge of the platform a little to the right of the priest.

The Consecration

                 You are now at the most solemn moment of the Mass — the Consecration — and you should try to realize as best you can what is about to take place.
                 The priest is now about to change the bread and wine into the sacred body and blood of our divine Lord.
 Let your exterior reverence show your real internal feelings.

The Elevation of the Sacred Host

                 Kneeling in position, as indicated above, do not touch the chasuble, but bow profoundly and ring the bell as the priest genuflects; then, kneeling erect, slightly raise the lower end of the chasuble with your left hand, ring the bell again and look at the Host as the priest raises It above his head; when he places the Host upon the altarf, let go of the chasuble and, as he again genuflects, again ring the bell.
[NOTE: An indulgence of 7 years and 7 quarantines may be gained by looking at the Host and saying, “My Lord and my God”]

The Elevation of the Chalice

                 Remain in the same position and do exactly as you did for the consecration of the Host; that is:
(1) bow profoundly; (2) ring the bell as the priest genuflects; (3) slightly raise the end of the chasuble with your left hand as the priest elevates the chalice and with your right hand ring the bell; (4) let go of the chasuble as he places the chalice upon the altar; (5) ring the bell again as he genuflects.
                 Now rise, go down the steps to the center of the altar, genuflect and go to the Epistle side and kneel where you knelt before the consecration.  Keep your hands folded unless you are using a prayer book.
 Remain in this position from now until the Communion.
                 There is a great silence now, during which time the priest says several prayers, including the Memento for the dead.  Watch him closely, for after he genuflects, he says:

P:              Per omnia saecula saeculorum.

S:               Amen.

The “Pater Noster”

                 The priest then says the Pater Noster, that is the “Our Father,” with his hands outstretched.  Listen carefully and you will hear him say at the end:

P:             Et ne nos inducas in tentationem.

R:              Sed         libera       nos    a     malo.
                 Said  lee’bay-rah  noese  ah  mah’lo.

 The priest , after genuflecting, says:

P:                Per omnia saecula saeculorum.

S:               Amen.

P:              Pax † Domini sit † semper vobiscum † .

S:                 Et   cum        spiritu          tuo.
                 Ett  koom  spee’ree-too  too’oh.

                 The priest genuflects again and says aloud three times Agnus Dei, etc., striking his breast each time.  Bow your head slightly and strike your breast in the same way.

The Priest’s Communion

                 The priest bent forward has said some prayers  silently in preparation for receiving Holy Communion.
 Kneel erect with hands folded and notice that some time later the priest genuflects and takes the Sacred Host in the fingers of his left hand, holding the paten under It.  Then he strikes his breast three times, saying each time, Domine non sum dignus, etc.  Each time he strikes his breast, ring the bell as a signal of the Communion of the Mass.
                 After the priest has consumed the Sacred Host, he removes the pall from the chalice, and gathers up with the paten any Sacred Particles that may happen to be upon the corporal and genuflects.
[NOTE: Skip to next line of stars if Communion is not given to the people. If people are receiving Holy Communion then proceed as follows.]
  Go to the credence table for the Communion paten, hand it to the farthest communicant from the center on the Epistle side and kneel on the lowest step on the Epistle side.
                As the priest consumes the Precious Blood, bow low and recite the Confiteor. (If the altar boy receives Holy communion, he does so before all others. He now genuflects, and ascends to the platform, kneeling at the edge a little to the right of the center.  After receiving, he descends to the floor, genuflects and returns to his place as before.)
 The priest, turning partly toward the people, says:

P:              Misereatur tui omnipotens Deus, et dimissis peccatis tuis, perducat te ad vitam aeternam.

 You answer:

S:               Amen.

 The priest then raises his hand and makes the sign of the cross (bless yourself at the same time) saying:

P:             Indulgentiam, absolutionem, et remissionem peccatorum nostrorum, tribuat nobis omnipotens et misericors Dominus.

 To which you answer:

S:               Amen.

 The priest genuflects and , holding a Sacred Host in his fingers, turns toward the people and says:

P:              Ecce Agnus Dei, ecce Qui tollit peccata mundi.

 The priest then also says three times:

P:   Domine, non sum dignus, ut intres sub tectum meum: sed tantum dic verbo, et sanabitur anima mea.

                 Where it is customary the bell is rung each time as the priest says the above words.  The priest then distributes Holy Communion.  As soon as all have received Holy Communion and the Blessed Sacrament has been replaced in the tabernacle ,
 without genuflecting, go to the credence table for the wine and water cruets.  Then proceed to the side steps, and , genuflecting on the floor, ascend to next to the highest step and remain with head slightly bowed while the priest consumes the Precious Blood.
                 When the priest has consumed the Precious Blood, he remains standing at the center of the altar and now extends the chalice toward you; making a bow, advance toward him and pour some wine into the chalice — be careful that the cruet does not touch the chalice — until the priest raises the chalice a little, which is a signal for you to stop pouring the wine.  Then bow and go back and stand on the step as before.  As the priest comes toward you, bow slightly and pour first the wine and then the water over his fingers.  Be careful not to let the cruets touch the priest’s fingers.  As soon as the priest turns to go back to the middle of the altar, bow slightly, return to the credence table and put the cruets thereon.
 Leaving the credence table return to the middle of the altar , genuflect, and continue around and up the side steps to the Gospel side of the altar. Taking hold of the missal, descend the front steps diagonally, genuflect and ascend to the Epistle side of the altar.  After placing the missal on the  altar table so that it faces straight in front, descend the side steps, genuflect in the middle again, and go to your proper position on the Gospel side of the altar.

Lesson V
From the Communion to the End of Mass
The Prayers After Communion

                 When the priest has covered the chalice at the center of the altar , he goes to the missal on the Epistle side and reads a short prayer called the Communion.  Then, returning to the center of the altar and facing the people, he says:

P:              Dominus vobiscum.

S:              Et   cum        spiritu          tuo.
                 Ett  koom  spee’ree-too  too’oh.

                 Going back to the missal he says a prayer — sometimes more than one — but listen and watch closely, for at the end of the first and last prayers he says:

P:              Per omnia saecula saeculorum.

S:               Amen.

 The priest then closes the missal and, returning to the center of the altar, faces the people and says:

P:              Dominus vobiscum.

S:              Et   cum        spiritu          tuo.
                 Ett  koom  spee’ree-too  too’oh.

P:             Ite missa est; or sometimes Benedicamus Domino.

 But no matter which one he says, you always answer:

S:                   Deo         gratias.
                 Day’oh  grat’see-ahse.
                 Should the priest have left the missal open, you immediately rise, genuflect at the middle and transfer the missal to the Gospel side as you did after the Epistle.

The Blessing

                 If the missal has been closed, remain kneeling.  Now the priest, standing in the center of the altar, raises his hands, invoking God’s blessing.  Bow your head.  Then the priest turns to the people and, blessing them, says aloud:

P:              Benedicat vos omnipotens Deus, Pater, et Filius † , et Spiritus Sanctus.

 Bless yourself and respond:

S:               Amen.

The Last Gospel

 Now stand and when the priest, who has gone to the Gospel side, says:

P:              Dominus vobiscum.

S:              Et   cum        spiritu          tuo.
                 Ett  koom  spee’ree-too  too’oh.

                 As the priest signs himself, saying, Initium sancti Evangelii secundum, etc., you also make the sign of the cross with the thumb on the forehead, lips and breast and say:

S:                Gloria            tibi          Domine.
                 Gloh’ree-ah  tee’bee  doe’mee-nay.

                 Then go to the center of the altar, genuflect, bring the priest’s biretta from the sedilia and stand at the Epistle side, a little toward the center.
                 Remain standing during the reading of the Gospel, genuflect if the priest does so, and at the end of the Gospel say:

S:                 Deo        gratias.
                 Day’oh  grat’see-ahse.

                 During the prayers after Mass remain kneeling on the first step at the right of the priest.  Hand him the prayer card if he wishes it.  At the end of the prayers, stand with the priest, hand him his biretta, genuflect with him and precede him to the sacristy.  On arriving in the sacristy make a profound bow with the priest to the crucifix.  Help the priest to unvest if he wishes it.  Then extinguish the candles on the altar putting out first the one on the Gospel side, and bring the cruets, etc., to the sacristy.

A Mass for the Dead

                 You serve a Mass for the dead, that is, when the priest wears black vestments, exactly the same as you do any low Mass, with the following exceptions:

1.              You omit the responses from the first Ad Deum qui laetificat to the response Qui fecit coelum et terram and continue then the ordinary prayers at the foot of the altar.

2.              Do not kiss the cruets.

3.              Do not strike your breast at the Agnus Dei.

4.              Instead of the Ite missa est, the priest always says, Requiescant in pace, to which you respond Amen.

5.              There is no blessing at the end.

A Mass in the Presence of the Blessed Sacrament Exposed

                  The ceremonies for low Mass said in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament exposed are the same as those of the ordinary low Mass except:

1.               If the Blessed Sacrament is exposed genuflect on both knees upon arriving at the altar and again when leaving after Mass.  All other genuflections are on one knee only.

2.               Do not kiss the cruets.

3.               At the Lavabo the priest descends from the platform to the floor or to one of the side steps and the server faces him while washing his fingers.

4.               No bell is rung during Mass.

Low Mass With Two Altar Boys
All ceremonies are the same as when one boy serves Mass, with the following exceptions.
[NOTE:   These are merely suggestive, as customs differ in various places under different circumstances.  However; they are in general in conformity with the rules given by approved liturgical authors.]

Duties of Altar  Boy No. 1                                                                                                                Duties of Altar Boy No. 2
(Epistle Side)                                                                                                                                                (Gospel Side)

At the Beginning of Mass
Receives biretta
At the Offertory
Transfers the missal
At the Lavabo
Presents the towel                                                                                                                                           Pours the water
At the Sanctus
Rings the bell
At the “Hanc igitur”
Rings the bell
After the Priest’s Communion
Pours the wine                                                                                                                                                  Pours the water
At the People’s Communion
Acts as directed                                                                                                                      Kneels on the Gospel side step
At the Transfer of the Missal and Veil
Transfers the Veil                                                                                                                                      Transfers the Missal
At the Last Gospel
Brings biretta

All responses are made by both boys.

All genuflections are made by both boys.

Whenever a duty is to be performed by one or both boys, both boys proceed to the center of the altar and genuflect on the floor before and after the action.